Offering credit for essential technologies—such as timely tractor services, improved seeds, fertilizers, and crop care chemicals—enables smallholder farmers, including women and young farmers, to maximize their productivity and expand their operations. To effectively increase yields, it is crucial to provide these services as a comprehensive package, rather than in isolation.
2023 Results
- The program successfully reached 709 farmers, directly creating a positive impact on an estimated 3,545 people.
- Provided $300,000 worth of input support and services, resulting in a remarkable doubling of farmers’ yields.
- Tripled the amount of input credit offered to farmers for the third year in a row.
- Empowered women in agriculture, with 89% of our beneficiary farmers being women.
- Promoted gender equality in mechanization services, as over 70% of farmers receiving these services were women.
- Achieved 96% repayment rate for the 2023 irrigation cycle of credit.
- Demonstrated commitment to workforce diversity by hiring and training seven women in 2023. They are among the first women tractor operators in Ghana.
2022 Results
- Provided tractor services to 1,000 farming families in northern Ghana
- The credit program grew by nearly 400%
- Over 50% of the credit went directly to women farmers
- 100% repayment of 2022 irrigated cycle of credit
- 11 women trained and hired in 2022
- Internship with a university student to build her capacity